About Us

Who are We?
In Access Americas we will be your best ally when we speak about the different processes you may like to apply for.
Our vision is to connect the "Americas", by helping you to understand which are your plans in order to provide you an accurate diagnosis of what are you seeking for, and what you need to make it happen.
First we will set up an appointment, we will sit together and we will analyze each one of your needs, and we will come up with several plans, ideas and strategies, that are going to bring you solutions or good benefits in the "Americas".
After we had set up a plan and we now where are we going to; we will start gathering all the documentation and information we need in order for us to star taking care of all the requirements for you to get a proper solution soon.
In Access Americas, we will help and guide you step by step for you to have the proper information for you to get all the benefits in "The Americas".
The next step is that after we gather all the documentation, and we have covered all the requirements; we would be able to start working for you
with the solutions for your processes, by following the planification that we are going to set in order to get success in our results.
In Access Americas we are 100% Positive, that we will sort out for you any process in the United States, but also in Colombia.
Access Americas is your best ally because we will follow up each of the steps we are taking.
For example: "If you are doing a process and you are missing documentation, we will give you reminders by one of our agents will call you or send you email notifications" or "If you are applying for a "Visa" for example, we will keep following up for your date and we will keep you updated of what is going on at the embassy".
In "Access Americas" we treat you as our partner not just as customer, that's why we provide the "extra mile" following up also your passed processes.